T O R - L I O N
T O R - L I O N
Part of a street art workshop organised by the Italian Cultural Institute and Singapore Faculty of fine Arts LASALLE College of the Arts. A group of full time students from LASALLE Fine Arts course attended this workshop taught by a famous street artist, Alice Pasquinni. Assisted by Jessica Stewart, Alice taught the students the basic tools of street artist , and also her techniques.
As the theme was myth and urban legends of Singapore, the idea for the 'TOR-LION' is based from the idea of Singapore mythical creature mascot, the Merlion. It combines "mer" which means sea and "lion". Playing with the idea of a mythical creature, Naz and Afiq recreates this mythical creature into a tortoise body and a lion head. Afiq reinvents the lion head with vibrant and powerful colour to show the power and control of this strong creature, while Naz, taken from the folklore "Kusu Island" or now as it is called 'Tortoise Island'. Painted the body of a tortoise so represent the more softer yet strong side of the Tor-lion, the shells are decorated with floral stencils as wells as flowers growing out of its shell to symbolise fertility . |